
The Tasks are the third category and it represents an overview of the planned task the structured in different work packages that each project partner need to achieve in duration of the project.

WP1 Project Management Preparation
T1.1 Elaboration of Project Handbook
T1.2 Elaboration of Project Brand Book
WP2 Project Management & Quality Control
T2.1 – Communication for coordination and implementation purpose
T2.2 Financial management and reporting
T2.3 Elaboration of Monitoring and Evaluation manual
T2.4 Regular Internal evaluation
T2.5 Final External Evaluation
WP3 Building National and Institutional Consensus on Open Science
T3.1 – Mapping Open Science
T3.2 – Running awareness raising & building consensus
T4.4 – Embedding OS in formal and informal curriculum
WP4 – University Transition to Open Science practices
T4.1 – Elaboration of OS- Infrastructure development plan
T4.2 – Design and maintenance of University OS portal
T4.3 – Purchase of equipment for strengthening OS- infrastructure
WP5 – Embedding Open Science in institutional policies
T5.1 – Developing University Open Science regulatory framework
WP6 – Citizen of Science
T6.1 – Establishment of Science Shops 2.0
T6.2 – O-Science Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
WP7 – Dissemination, Exploitation and Impact maximization
T7.1 – Organization and running of international dissemination campaign
T7.2 – Organization and running of national dissemination campaign
T7.3 – Organization and running of institutional dissemination campaign
T7.4 – Organisation and running of exploitation and multiplier activities
T7.5 – Organization and running of sustainability activities
T7.6 – Measure the impact of OS on direct and indirect target groups